Friday, September 23, 2005
Make Your Own Luck
Elaine Shapiro has written a new book about leadership and making your own luck.
Leadership Test #1 is to Picture where you want to go.
Leadership Test #2 is my favourite, Organizing - Identify your starting point and begin to reorganize the assets you currently have toward the future you want to create. She says, "It's difficult to bet smart if you don't know how to organize your starting resources."
Leadership Test #3: Predicting - Figure out the bets you want to take that have the biggest potential to get you where you want to go with the least risk.
Leadership Test #4: Acting - Act well enough and fast enough to capture the opportunities while the opportunities are available.
Take a look at more of the book "Make Your Own Luck: 12 Practical Steps to Taking Smarter Risks in Business". Make Your Own Luck